You know something better awaits, but perhaps do not know what it is, or how to get there. Something inside is wanting to break free, to fully live life!
Spiritual emergence, resulting in meaning and purpose, naturally occurs when you understand and remove the why behind what we call spiritual emergenc(y) - that feeling of discontent and unfulfillment - and address what causes it. This is also where Freedom is to be found. Breaking free from society's conditioning is not always easy. It demands courage to break out of the Matrix. But you can do it, if you have the will. The question remains: "Do you WANT to reclaim your Power, so you can once again be free?" If yes, then let's talk. Your life will never be the same again. Guaranteed! |
The Transpersonal Counselling & Healing 8-Week Program*The Transpersonal Healing Journey is a proven way to finally shed old beliefs (most of which we do not even know we have) and to create a new reality, one which reflects our dreams.
We dive in deep and fast. Clearing old wounds, most not even conscious is a critical component. We then embark upon a process of dreaming the new, an achievable future which is claimable, because you embody the change, not just talk about it. The work is deep, and it is Powerful. All who have worked with me have been transformed. So will you, guaranteed! Find out more... * the average length of time for significant transformation is around 8 weeks. Some clients power through this in just four weeks, others who have chosen a more challenging life-path may take longer. Each client and their circumstances are unique. However, the level or transformation is always profound, especially when they see the program through to the end. |
Clearing negative entitiesMy work as a "seer" of negative entities clinging onto people, and then clearing them is becoming increasingly easier as we go through the energy shifts. I am astounded at how many people have been infected by these negative entities. However, these entities appear to be quite lost and disconnected from their "source energy". They are floundering. In the past I would have been guided (and supported) to slay them as they had no intention of surrendering. This was dangerous work. Now they often appear quite pathetic. The guides give them an option: get the hell out of here and they will be spared, or stand their ground and be struck down. They have seconds to decide. Most are choosing the former. They also know the gates (portals) to enable their return to this plane have been closed off - it is now a one-way trip for them back "home". Those entities who believe they can stay and fight are dispatched with, often leaving the client finally free of symptoms they have been carrying for years, and not being able to shake off through "conventional" means. |
How do you know you are "infected"?This is not hard to discern.
You will sense something is amiss in your life, including ongoing exhaustion, lingering illnesses or discomfort which does not respond to contemporary medicine. Negative energies/entities are like energy-suckers, feeding off our vital energy. Typically, they have been in our fields for a long time, being masters at hiding. However, they can no longer hide. It has thus become our responsibility to recognize and reject such energies. They WILL resist as they have no intention of giving up their easy ride - until now. You will know when it is time to do something about this. |
Freedom Starts with AwarenessOn the Path to Freedom, awakening to who you are, and to what you are, is the first step to reconnecting with your soul-aspect, that timeless part of you which became 'lost' at a very young age, without you even knowing it happened. As a "modern mystic" I support you to find the courage to once again claim your birthright - Freedom!
Why I do what I do, and what does my work look like?This interview with Executive Coach Terra Farrar in October 2018 clarifies what is sometimes almost impossible to define. My work is very deep. It is beyond the mind, beyond the ego. It taps into the cellular intelligence of my client's body and calls upon soul and spirit-wisdom to support our sessions.
In 2024 this work is even more important. Listen and find out why. |
Freedom is in your hands. Online. At your pace!For the cost of just 16 coffees, finally a self-paced online workshop that allows you to fully engage in your transformation at a pace that works for you. Find out more.
"I am enlightened and leaving feeling empowered! Nigel provides clear tools towards gaining personal freedom." Summer Fry So, grab a trusted partner, and reclaim your Freedom, NOW! (Explore the Path to Freedom Model)
A Practical Guide to Finding Lasting Inner Peace Introducing the Path to Freedom Model©, this revolutionary book will guide you to a place where your soul can once again soar! Drawing on ancient wisdom and teachings, you'll explore how, and more importantly why, you feel there "must be more to life". Reclaim your birthright to freedom, now! Read more... |